

Tree Description: Single or multi-trunked small tree up to 35 feet with widely spreading branches; shade tolerant.

Twig/Bark: Bark is reddish brown and smooth when young becoming fissured in squarish plates and peeling with age. Twigs are slender, zig zag that are reddish brown to gray.

Leaf: Leaf shape is widely rounded-ovate. The blades are thin with an upper surface that is dull to shiny green and a lower surface that is more pale. 

Flower/Fruit: Flower in Spring before leaves emerge with 5 petals, pink to light purple. In late Summer into Fall, fruit is a legume, oblong shape with tapered ends, flattened, leathery and reddish brown.

Habitat: Dry to mesic upland forests and woodlands, riparian forests, bluffs, glade margins, pastures, old fields and roadsides.

All plants, as well as size, color and cultivar, will vary based upon availability.

13206 Asher Road
Little Rock, AR 72206

[email protected]

Monday-Friday: 8:30AM-4:30PM
Saturday: 9AM-12PM
Sunday: Closed