Evergreen TREES



Tree Description: Small sized tree up to 30 feet with horizontal to ascending branches that sprout from roots and can form dense thickets.

Twig/Bark: Gray to greenish gray, smooth bark with twigs that are slender and densely pubescent when young.

Leaf: Leaves are evergreen with elliptic to ovate shape. The upper surface is dark green and somewhat shiny. The lower surface is light green. 

Flower/Fruit: Flower in Spring with small green calyx and 4-lobed white corolla that is bell shaped and fragrant. Fruit in Fall is drupe and ovoid that becomes bluish black at maturity.

Habitat: Dry-mesic to mesic upland forests and woodlands, bottomland and riparian forests, glades, bluffs, old fields, roadsides, pastures and fencerows.

All plants, as well as size, color and cultivar, will vary based upon availability.

13206 Asher Road
Little Rock, AR 72206

[email protected]

Monday-Friday: 8:30AM-4:30PM
Saturday: 9AM-12PM
Sunday: Closed